Indonesian @ Chicago, Midwest Region dan sekitarnya: June 2012

Saturday, June 23, 2012

11-15 JUL Taste of Chicago

Taste of Chicago
July 11 - 15, 2012 • 11 am - 9 pm
 • Grant Park • 
Chicago, IL

For more information, go to: 

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Thursday, June 21, 2012


Congress of Indonesian Disapora/CID (Kongres Diaspora Indonesia)
Los Angeles, CA, 6-7 July 2012.
Los Angeles Convention Center

CID will gather Indonesian Diaspora in the US and across the globe. It will be the first forum for Indonesian Diaspora ever organized.

Diaspora Indonesia adalah seluruh orang yang berdarah dan berbudaya Indonesia, dimanapun berada, apapun pekerjaan dan posisinya! Bahkan orang asing yang mempunyai koneksi kuat dengan Indonesia (Indonesianist) pun merupakan bagian dari diaspora Indonesia.

Untuk Diaspora Indonesia, dimanapun berada, berikut undangan untuk anda semuanya: "THE POWER OF HARMONY IN DIVERSITY. UNLEASHED WORLDWIDE"


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04 JUL Navy Pier Fireworks

2012 Navy Pier Fireworks Schedule*

* * * Wednesday, 04 July 2012 * * * 9:00 p.m. * * * Independence Day* * **

Navy Pier is the destination for spectacular fireworks perfectly synchronized to music on Lake Michigan. The summer schedule begins Memorial Day weekend with fireworks every Wednesday at 9:30 p.m. and Saturday at 10:15 p.m. through Labor Day weekend. Whether viewing from the dock or on board an evening cruise, fireworks is the perfect way to end your day at Navy Pier!

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

14 JUL True Life In God

"True Life in God" presentation on intimacy with God - July 14th, 20
Saturday, July 14, 2012 1:00 to 3:00 pm
The Lincolnwood Community Center
6900 N. Lincoln Avenue, Lincolnwood, Illinois, 60712

Teman-teman PWKI diundang untuk menghadiri presentation on intimacy with God yang disponsori oleh True Life In God (TLIG).
Please see invitation below and attached.
For more information call Leslie Huzyk at 708-366-7441, or Lisa Arman at 312-823-2461

Buat teman2 PWKI yang perlu carpool, bisa kontak Fely Kristanto ( or 773.983.1865).
Thank you.

True Life in God has been translated in 42 languages by volunteers, printed and distributed through donations. Vassula Ryden receives no monies, royalties or compensation of any kind for these books or for her personal appearances.

Attendees will receive a free book and additional books and DVDs will be available at cost. The events will take place on July 14, 2012 at the following locations:
The Lincolwood Community center: 6900 N. Lincoln Avenue, Lincolnwood, IL. 60712 (at 1:00pm)
The Frankfort Township Community Room, Lower level: 11000 Lincoln Highway, Frankfort, IL. 60423 (at 7:00pm)

Please view our website:
For more information call Leslie Huzyk at 708-366-7441, or Lisa Arman at 312-823-2461

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01 JUL Kebaktian PMKI


Salam dalam kasih Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus,

Persekutuan Masyarakat Kristen Indonesia (PMKI) mengundang Bpk/ibu, Sdr/i untuk menghadiri kebaktian dan persekutuan yang akan diadakan pada:
Hari/Tgl: Minggu, 1 Juli 2012
Pukul: 3:00-5:00 sore dilanjutkan dengan potluck makan malam bersama
Tempat: Kediaman keluarga Bapak Mandala Purba
Alamat: 9027 Mango Avenue, Morton Grove, IL 60053
Phone (773) 822-1671

Pembicara: Bapak Pendeta Pintor Sitanggang, MTh, ThM
- Pengucapan syukur Ulang Tahun Bapak Pdt Pintor Sitanggang
- Perpisahan Bapak Pdt Pintor Sitanggang

Mari bersama-sama sebagai tubuh Kristus kita bersekutu, saling mendoakan, bertumbuh serta berbuah di dalam pengenalan akan Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus. Percaya bahwa persekutuan kita akan menjadi berkat dan menyenangkan hati Tuhan. Amin

Tuhan Memberkati.
Kami tunggu kedatangan anda semua.

Sampai jumpa!
a/n Pengurus PMKI

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30 JUN Lomba HUT RI ke 67

Masyarakat Indonesia dan keluarga
di Chicago dan Midwest AS

Dalam rangka peringatan HUT Proklamasi Republik Indonesia ke-67, KJRI Chicago mengundang masyarakat Indonesia dan keluarga di Midwest AS untuk berpartisipasi dalam rangkaian pertandingan olahraga dan lomba.

Pertandingan / lomba akan dilaksanakan pada :

Hari, tanggal : Sabtu, 30 Juni 2012
Waktu : 09.00 AM - 03.00 PM
Tempat : Lincoln Park, Lake Shore Drive - Chicago (exit West Irving Park, lokasi sebelah Belmont Harbor)

Pertandingan :
- Dewasa : Bola voli, Sepakbola, tarik tambang, bakiak, fun games
- Anak - anak : Mewarnai, bakiak, bawa kelereng, fun games

Pendaftaran pertandingan/lomba :

Daftarkan diri anda dan keluarga segera.
Sampai bertemu di Lincoln Park!


KJRI Chicago

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15 JUN Work Permits for DREAMers

What does it mean and how do I apply?

On June 15th President Obama announced that he will protect from deportation and grant a work permit ('deferred action') to undocumented youth who:
  • Came to US before their 16th birthday;
  • Have lived in the US for at least 5 years as of June 15, 2012;
  • Are in school, graduated from high school, earned a GED or served honorably in the US military;
  • Are at least 15 years old (only if you are NOT in removal proceedings);
  • Have not committed a felony, a significant misdemeanor or multiple misdemeanors
Dreamers who qualify are immediately safe from deportation

If you are currently in deportation proceedings or have a final order of deportation contact 1-855-448-6903 (24 hrs, 7 days a week) or the ICE Office of the Public Advocate at 1-888-351-4024 (9am-5pm, Monday - Friday).

The process to apply for work permits will be announced within 60days
There is currently no application, application process or waiting list.

If you apply now, your application will be rejected.
Protect yourself from fraud and abuse: DREAMers should look out for scam artists, "notarios," and others offering to "help" for money.

For questions or more information e-mail:

Luis V. Gutierrez
Representing Illinois Fourth District


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06-08 JUL Indonesian Diaspora

The first Congress of Indonesian Diaspora

6-8 July 2012 in Los Angeles, California.

CID will gather Indonesian Diaspora in the US and across the globe. It will be the first forum for Indonesian Diaspora ever organized.
Order tickets via Eventbrite:
For more information, please go to:

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Monday, June 18, 2012

08 JUL OCA Chicago Scholarship

OCA Chicago Scholarship

Calling All Asian American Dreamers in the Chicagoland High schools

Dream On, Dream Big, Dream Until Your Dreams Come True!

OCA Chicago is proud to introduce the 2012 “Dream Big” scholarship program. A grand total of $30,000 will be awarded to 12 future Asian American community leaders.

Deadline: Please submit your application prior to July 8th, 2012 11:59pm

Be American citizen or a permanent resident of the Chicagoland area: Cook, Dekalb, DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kendall, McHenry, Will, Lake (IL), Kenosha (WI)
Identify as Asian and/or Pacific Islander ethnicity as defined by the U.S. Census
Be a full-time Asian and/or Pacific Islander American student entering their first year of college in the upcoming 2012 Fall Semester/Quarter
Demonstrate financial needs

Have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 or above (on a 4.0 scale)
Strong history and intent of community service
Must join OCA-Chicago as a student member before receiving scholarship
Must be available to attend in person at 2012 OCA-Chicago annual scholarship gala.

Contact Person:
Anson Wu,
OCA Chicago VP in Information.

For more info, please go to:

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25 JUN Sosialisasi Diaspora

Kepada Yth.
Masyarakat Indonesia
Chicago dan Midwest AS

Kongres Diaspora Indonesia akan diselenggarakan untuk pertama kalinya di Los Angeles tanggal 6 – 8 Juli 2012. Kongres ini diselenggarakan bersama KBRI Washington dan seluruh KJRI di Amerika Serikat. Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai program dimaksud, KJRI Chicago akan menyelenggarakan sosialisasi Kongres ini dengan Duta Besar RI Washington DC, Dr. Dino Patti Djalal sebagai pembicara. Acara akan dilaksanakan pada :

Hari : Senin, 25 Juni 2012
Waktu : 07.00 – 09.00 PM
Tempat : Wisma Konjen RI Chicago
Alamat: 614 Pine Lane, Winnetka, IL, 60093
Agenda : Sosialisasi Kongres Diaspora Indonesia, Dialog dan Ramah Tamah

Kami mengundang Bapak/Ibu untuk hadir pada sosialisasi Kongres di Chicago dan
berpartisipasi pada Kongres Diaspora Indonesia di Los Angeles.

Terima kasih atas perhatiannya.

Chicago, 19 Juni 2012

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Friday, June 15, 2012

24 JUN Lomba Bowling KJRI Chicago

Masyarakat dan keluarga Indonesia
Midwest AS

Dalam rangka peringatan hari kemerdekaan RI ke-67, KJRI Chicago mengundang seluruh masyarakat dan keluarga Indonesia di Midwest-AS untuk berpartisipasi pada perlombaan bowling, pada:

Minggu, 24 Juni 2012
jam 02.00 - 05.00 PM

Game : Dewasa (Pria dan wanita) serta anak-anak
Tempat : Classic Bowl
8530 N Waukegan Road
Morton Grove, IL, 60053

Daftarkan diri Anda dan keluarga melalui email :


KJRI Chicago

Pertandingan Bowling Masyarakat Indonesia dan keluarga telah berlangsung meriah dan seru hari ini di Classic Bowl, Morton Grove. Terima kasih atas partisipasi Bapak/Ibu, remaja dan anak-anak Indonesia yang membuat suasana pertandingan menjadi lebih akrab.

Pemenang diambil berdasarkan skor tertinggi dari 2 game yang dimainkan tiap peserta.
Kategori Pria : Prabowo Woerjadi (167)
Kategori Wanita : Miranti Sulistiani (160)
Kategori Remaja : Abi Yanuardi (134)
Kategori anak-anak : Evan Squire (112)

Selamat kepada para pemenang. Jadwal pembagian hadiah kepada pemenang akan kami informasikan lebih lanjut.


KJRI Chicago

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Monday, June 11, 2012

16 JUN 1st Anniversary GPdI Living God

Undangan 1st Anniversary GPdI Living God

Saturday, 16 JUNE 2012, 2 PM - 4:30 PM
Christian Life Center63630 West 183rd Street, Tinley Park, IL

Contact Person: Rudy and Matilda Sumoket
(773) 629 - 2761

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Tuesday, June 05, 2012

10 JUN Misa St. Therese & Piknik PWKI

Gabungan Misa Bersama St. Therese and Piknik PWKI

We are counting down to this Sunday!!

Mari kita beramai2 hadir di misa pelantikan Father Francis Li (dari St. Therese Church) menjadi pastor tetap untuk Gereja St. Therese. Beliau sudah begitu baik meminjamkan gereja dan fasilitas gereja untuk PWKI pakai secara regular, jadi kita selalu punya tempat untuk misa bulanan di sini ;) Pelantikan ini akan dihadiri oleh bishop Chicago, dan juga disertai oleh Romo Robertus "Jack" Wijanarko sebagai tamu spesial dari Indonesia!

Misa Pelantikan Father Francis Li
Waktu: 9:30 AM
Lokasi: St. Therese Church, 218 W. Alexander St, Chicago IL 6016
(Please note - misa bulanan PWKI jam 11 AM untuk hari ini ditiadakan)

 LALU, setelah misa, mari kita berbondong2 pindah tempat buat PIKNIK bersama di Montrose Beach! Everyone is invited! Romo Jack udah kangeeeennnn sama semuaaaaaa katanya =)

Piknik PWKI (with special appearance by Romo Jack) 
Waktu: 11:30 AM
Lokasi: Montrose Beach - 4400 N. Lake Shore Dr, Chicago IL (Street Parking)
PWKI akan mengibarkan balon2 berwarna warni dan sign "PWKI" buat menandakan tempat pikniknya.

Kalau tidak langsung kelihatan (karena tempatnya besar), tolong kontak Magda Locklin (847.507.9592) atau Fely Kristanto (773.983.1865) atau teman2 yang lain yang sudah sampai (taunya dari mana yah, hahaha) buat tanya lokasi tepatnya di mana. And let's make this picnic a joint-effort from all! =)

PWKI akan menyediakan beberapa macam menu santapan sedap (detail menyusul yah), dan kita sekalian potluck yuk! (Detail potluck items akan diupdate oleh tim Dapur PWKI soon, stay tuned!)

Also, feel free (and we need your help) to bring the following:
  • Tikar buat gelesotan, lawn chairs, etc ...
  • Gitar kalau ada yang mau genjreng2 dan nyanyi bersama 
  • Outdoor games buat main di park 
  • Anything yang seru2 buat hang out, ngongkow2 dan santai di park ! =D 
Buat yang perlu carpool dari tempat misa (St. Therese church) ke tempat piknik (Montrose Beach), tolong kontak Fely ( or 773.983.1865) ASAP, dan nanti akan dikoordinir in advance. (Driving distance is about 20-25 minutes from chinatown.) Ramalan cuaca buat hari Minggu (lengkap dah hahaha): mostly sunny, 70-89 F. Mantaaaapppp !!   LET'S HAVE FUN THIS WEEKEND !!!! Thank you! PWKI Team

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Friday, June 01, 2012

06-08 JUL Indonesian Diaspora

The first Congress of Indonesian Diaspora

6-8 July 2012 in Los Angeles, California.

CID will gather Indonesian Diaspora in the US and across the globe. It will be the first forum for Indonesian Diaspora ever organized.
Order tickets via Eventbrite:
For more information, please go to:

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10 JUN Indonesian Cultural Night

Indonesian Cultural Night
Sunday, June 10, 2012
4:00pm until 6:00pm in EDT
Howard Performing Arts Center (HPAC)Andrews University 
Berrien Springs, MI 49104

The Indonesian Consulate will be here for passport extensions, registers, etc at 6pm to 7pm. 
Followed by Indonesian Pot luck Dinner at Chan Shun Hall at 7PM 

Tickets cost VIP section: $25
General Admission: $20

Ticketing Agents:
  • Dyan Lee  (269) 473-7000 from 9am to 9pm 
  • Elvie Ruhupatty Elizabeth Mapaliey  (269) 635-3135 -  (773) 972-7423
    9:00 AM - 1:00 PM 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Tickets are also available at Apple Valley Market, Honor Credit Union, Village Do it yourself Hardware  located in Berrien Springs or  @ ticket booth before the show 

Any questions regarding this program, advertising tickets or about MISDA contact Mrs. Dewi Tedjasukmana at (269) 473-7000.

All proceeds is to fund the renovation of Michigan Indonesian Seventh-day Adventist church building in Hartfort, Michigan. Thank you, looking forward for this event.

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