Indonesian @ Chicago, Midwest Region dan sekitarnya: November 2021

Monday, November 29, 2021

08 DEC ~ Sosialisasi INA-ACCESS - USA

Yth. Bapak/Ibu Diaspora dan Pebisnis Indonesia di Midwest, AS

Dalam rangka memperkenalkan platform digital INA-ACCESS sebagai wadah informasi kerja sama perdagangan, investasi dan promosi pariwisata, sekaligus akses kontak bisnis antara komunitas pengusaha Indonesia dengan negara-negara Amerika dan Eropa, Kementerian Luar Negeri RI akan menyelenggarakan acara sosialisasi secara virtual pada:
Rabu, 8 Desember 2021 pukul 19.00 CST

Dimohon perkenan kehadiran dan bantuan Bapak/Ibu untuk menyebarluaskan info acara tersebut kepada jejaring Bapak/Ibu.

Meeting ID: 810 9001 2387

Password: 482772


Atas perkenan partisipasi Bapak/Ibu, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

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Saturday, November 20, 2021

NOV 2021 ~ Indonesia - USA - International Travel Info Update


Jakarta - Satgas Penanganan Covid-19 hari ini mengeluarkan Surat Edaran No. 23
Tahun 2021 tentang Protokol Kesehatan Perjalanan Internasional Pada Masa Pandemi
Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID 19).

Surat Edaran ini berlaku efektif mulai tanggal 29 November 2021 sampai dengan waktu yang ditentukan kemudian. Dengan berlakunya Surat Edaran ini, maka Surat Edaran Nomor 20 Tahun 2021 serta Addendum Surat Edaran Nomor 20 Tahun 2021 dicabut dan dinyatakan tidak berlaku.

Dikeluarkannya SE ini didasarkan pada pertimbangan bahwa pada saat ini telah ditemukan varian baru SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.529 di Afrika Selatan yang telah meluas sebarannya ke beberapa negara di dunia. Kemunculan varian baru SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.529 atau Omicron telah menyebabkan peningkatan kasus khususnya di Benua Afrika bagian Selatan. Badan kesehatan dunia dengan para pakarnya pun sepakat untuk menetapkan varian yang ditemukan di awal Bulan November 2021 ini menjadi Variant of Concern.

Karena itu Koordinator Tim Pakar dan Juru Bicara Satgas Penanganan Covid-19 Prof. Wiku Adisasmito menyebutkan perlunya penyesuaian mekanisme pengendalian terhadap perjalanan internasional. “Pada prinsipnya, untuk bisa beradaptasi dengan baik, kebijakan COVID-19 pun harus adaptif dengan dinamika virusnya termasuk dinamika variannya yang terjadi secara global,”ujar Wiku.

Dengan tanggap dan responsif, Pemerintah Indonesia melakukan koordinasi dengan intens atas arahan presiden untuk menyesuaikan seluruh upaya pengendalian COVID19. Untuk memperkuat penyesuaian ini, berbagai Kementerian dan Lembaga juga menyusun dasar hukum yang memperkuat keputusan pengetatan kedatangan pelaku perjalanan dari negara dengan transmisi komunitas kasus Omicron dan negara di sekitarnya dengan kemungkinan potensi importasi pada negara tetangga.

Kepala Satuan Tugas Penanganan Covid19 juga telah memutuskan untuk melakukan penyesuaian kebijakan atas masukan dari beberapa pihak terkait. Tidak hanya sektor kesehatan, sektor lain seperti hubungan diplomatis, ekonomi dan investasi, serta ketahanan dan pertahanan juga diperhatikan demi menjamin kegiatan masyarakat yang aman produktif COVID-19.

Penyesuaian Lama Karantina
Demi melindungi warga negara Indonesia dari kasus importasi, pemerintah memberlakukan penutupan sementara pintu masuk ke Indonesia yaitu dengan menangguhkan pemberian visa kepada warga negara asing (WNA) dengan riwayat perjalanan dalam 14 hari terakhir ke Afrika Selatan, Botswana, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Angola, Namibia, dan Hong Kong. Pengaturan ini dikecualikan kepada pemegang visa diplomatik dan dinas, pejabat asing setingkat menteri ke atas beserta rombongan yang melakukan kunjungan resmi/kenegaraan, masuk dengan skema Travel Corridor Arragement, dan delegasi negara anggota G20.

“Daftar negara ini dapat ditambah jika ada konfirmasi transmisi lokal di negara lainnya.
Sebagai tindak lanjut, ketentuan ini akan diberlakukan dalam 1x24 jam ke depan,”ujar Wiku menegaskan.

Sementara Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI) yang memiliki riwayat perjalanan ke negaranegara tersebut dalam 14 hari terakhir tetap diizinkan untuk kembali ke Indonesia dengan kewajiban menjalani karantina selama 14 hari. Sedangkan untuk WNA dan WNI dari negara lain yang tidak disebutkan di atas wajib melakukan penyesuaian durasi karantina menjadi 7x24 jam. Penambahan durasi karantina dari yang sebelumnya hanya 3 atau 5 hari tergantung status vaksinasinya ini merupakan upaya kehatia-hatian pemerintah untuk mencegah potensi lonjakan kasus akibat varian ini.

Selain karantina, upaya skrining pelaku perjalanan internasional lainnya tetap dilakukan di antaranya skrining administratif (sertifikat vaksin, hasil negatif COVID-19, dan visa/berkas imigrasi pendukung lainnya) dan upaya testing ulang sebagai bentuk konfirmasi berupa entry test seketika saat kedatangan dan exit test sesuai durasi karantina, yaitu pada hari ke-6 karantina bagi pelaku perjalanan internasional yang melakukan karantina dengan durasi 7 x 24 jam; atau pada hari ke-13 karantina bagi pelaku perjalanan internasional yang melakukan karantina dengan durasi 14 x 24 jam.

Menindaklanjuti peraturan ini, spesimen dari pelaku perjalanan internasional khususnya dari negara dengan tranmisi komunitas varian Omicron ini akan wajib di-sequencing-kan untuk meminimalisir kebocoran kasus varian baru sedangkan untuk sampel dari pelaku perjalanan lainnya akan  menyesuaikan.
“Sebagai tindak lanjut, Satgas COVID-19 pun akan segera melakukan sosialisasi masif dan menyesuaikan manajemen karantina kepada petugas di lapangan untuk menjamin implementasi yang disiplin dan ketat,”ujar Wiku.

Hery Trianto (0818 866 827)
Ketua Bidang Komunikasi Publik Satgas Penanganan Covid-19 


This is the official news from White House
President Biden Announces New Actions to Protect Americans Against the Delta and Omicron Variants as We Battle COVID-⁠19 this Winter

Traveling internationally? 
Starting Dec. 6, all air passengers, regardless of vaccination status, must show a negative COVID-19 test taken no more than 1 day before travel to the United States.  

Learn what steps you should take before your trip: 

U.S Citizens, U.S. Nationals, U.S. Lawful Permanent Residents, and Immigrants: Air Travel to and from the United States

What You Need to Know
Do not travel internationally until you are fully vaccinated.
Check your destination’s COVID-19 situation and travel requirements before traveling. Countries may have their own entry and exit requirements.

When you travel to the United States by air, you are required to show a negative COVID-19 test result or documentation of recovery from COVID-19 before you board your flight.
Wearing a mask over your nose and mouth is required in indoor areas of public transportation (including airplanes) traveling into, within, or out of the United States and indoors in U.S. transportation hubs (including airports).

Non-U.S. citizen, Non-U.S. immigrants: Air Travel to the United States
If you are a non-U.S. citizen, non-U.S. immigrant (not a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, lawful permanent resident, or immigrant) traveling to the United States by air, visit Non-U.S. citizen Non-U.S. immigrants: Air Travel to the United States for requirements before boarding a flight to the United States.

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Thursday, November 18, 2021

12 DEC ~ Misa PWKI - 04 DEC - Sosialisasi TPE

Romo, Suster, Bapak/Ibu dan Saudara-saudari terkasih, 

PWKI Chicagoland mengundang kita semua untuk hadir dalam perayaan Ekaristi Minggu Advent II yang akan dipimpin oleh Romo Redempt Jawa, CSSR pada:

*Minggu, 12 Desember, 2021 pukul 11:30 AM CDT
di Gereja St. Barbara* (2859 South Throop Street, Chicago, IL 60608)

dilanjutkan dengan makan siang bersama di Dining Hall sekolah setelah misa.

Silakan menyebarluaskan undangan ini dan sampai jumpa di minggu depan. Terima kasih. Tuhan memberkati.

PWKI Chicagoland Team 

Please join KKI Atlanta & PWKI Chicago for: Sosialisasi TPE 2020

Mari bersama-sama memaknai perubahan2 dalam Tata Perayaan Ekaristi (TPE) 2020 yang mulai digunakan di Indonesia sejak tanggal 1 November 2021. 

Dibimbing oleh Rm. Matheus Ro, SVD

Sabtu, 4 Desember 2021 

6 PM CT / 7 PM ET

Link to join:

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Monday, November 15, 2021

03 DEC ~ Sosialisasi Pelayanan Administrasi Kependudukan di Luar Negeri


Selamat sore Bapak dan Ibu sekalian!

Semoga kabarnya sehat selalu. Terlampir undangan Sosialisasi Pelayanan Administrasi Kependudukan di Luar Negeri yang akan kita adakan 
hari Minggu, 5 Desember 2021 jam 10am-12pm CST 
via link

Video rekaman acara bisa diikuti disini:

Kesempatan baik bagi bapak dan ibu yang ingin bertanya juga mengenai aturan pulang ke Indonesia saat ini ke Dirjen Protkons Kemlu atau hal-hal lain terkait pelayanan kependudukan kepada Dirjen Dukcapil Kemdagri. Termasuk juga pembuatan Nomor Induk Tunggal (NIT) bagi bapak dan ibu sekalian yang blm mempunyai Nomor Induk Kependudukan. NIT ini nantinya dapat digunakan sebagai NIK dan dicetak menjadi e-ktp di Indonesia.

Mohon juga bantuan bapak dan ibu sekalian untuk dapat di-share ke teman2 WNI lain. 
Terima kasih banyak! 🙏

Video rekaman acara bisa diikuti disini:

Dua Menit! Proses Dapatkan KTP Elektronik bagi WNI di Luar Negeri di KJRI Chicago 

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Thursday, November 04, 2021

20 NOV ~ PWKI Bible Sharing


Teman-teman yang terkasih,

Dalam rangka menjelang Thanksgiving yang sudah di ambang pintu, marilah kita bergabung bersama untuk mengucap syukur atas pemeliharaan Tuhan dalam kehidupan kita semua. 

Bible sharing akan diadakan secara virtual pada: 

Sabtu, 20 Nov 2021 pukul 8 malam CST 

melalui zoom:

Kedatangan teman-teman sangat diharapkan.

PWKI Chicagoland 

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13 NOV ~ Warung DuPage Indonesia - Gudeg - OtakOtak - Pempek - Tempeh



Buat temen2 di Chicago-land, terutama yg di suburb DuPage .....yang berminat pesan Tempe, Gudeg, Nasi Kuning, Otak otak, Pempek dll
Silahkan PRE-ORDER sebelum hari RABU 10NOV

Pesanan bisa diambil di Glendale Heights SABTU siang/sore 13 NOV 

Menu ada di Google Form atau balas lewat japri, FB, SMS

Thanks and have a great weekend,

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02 NOV 2021 Update: Indonesia Travel Restrictions

Updated on November 2, 2021 per National COVID-19 Task Force Circular Note Addendum No. 20/2021 

As the COVID-19 Pandemic situation in Indonesia had shown improvements, the Indonesian Government has relaxed the travel restrictions by allowing a number of foreign travel groups to enter Indonesia. The following foreign travelers may enter Indonesia under the new regulations:

  1. Diplomatic and Official visa holders (to apply, click here );​
  2. Diplomatic and Official stay permit;
  3. Holders of Indonesia Temporary Residence Card (KITAS) and Indonesia Permanent Residence Card (KITAP). Visit for more information;
  4. Visitor visas, including but not limited to:
  5. ​a. ​​​211 A Visa;

    ​​​This visa includes tourist, emergency, business, film, medical visit, official visit, yachters and G20 or the 144th International Parliamentary Union (IPU) meetings.

    b. ​211B Visa;

    This visa includes foreign workers in probation.

  6. Limited stay visa, including but not limited to:
    • C312 Visa (work visa);
    • C313 Visa(1-year foreign investment projects in Indonesia);
    • C314 Visa (2-year foreign investment projects in Indonesia);
    • C316 Visa (educational visits);
    • C317 Visa (family reunification)​

  7. All non-immigrant crew members or cabin crews arriving any vessel or aircraft from any port or place outside Indonesia.
  8. Asia-Pacific Economic Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Travel Card holder; and
  9. Traditional Border Crossing pass/card holder.

Visa on Arrivals (VoA) are still suspended until further notice.

Effective October 14, 2021, the Indonesian government has re-opened Indonesia for international tourists. Only citizens of the following 19 countries are able to enter Indonesia on tourist/limited stay visas, including but not limited to Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, New Zealand, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Liechtenstein, Italy, France, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Poland, Hungary and Norway.

All international tourists may only enter Indonesia via Bali (Ngurah Rai International Airport) and or Riau Islands (Raja Haji Fisabilillah International Airport). To enter Indonesia, they are required to have the following:

  1. International health insurance with minimum coverage of USD 100,000, including but not limited to COVID-19 related treatment and hospitalization in Indonesial and
  2. Hotel reservation and payment.

PCR Test Requirement (Updated)

To enter Indonesia, all travelers are required to present a negative COVID-19 PCR test which sample was collected within 72 hours of their departure. Please see COVID-19 Testing Centers below for more information about COVID-19 testing.

Some transit countries, such as Singapore, require shorter sample COVID/PCR Test of 2x24 hours. Please visit the transit country official authority website or consult with respective Airline for more information.


COVID-19 Testing Centers

The Indonesian Consulate does not have designated testing centers. Also see for information on a testing clinic at Terminals 2, 6 and Tom Bradley International Airport of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) that provide testing certificates within 24 hours.


COVID-19 Vaccination Card (COVAX)

Effective July 6, 2021, the Indonesian Government required all exempted international travelers to present COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card in digital or hard copy upon check-in and arrival in Indonesia until further notice. The Indonesian Government recognizes the following vaccinations, including but not limited to two-doses of Pfizer or Moderna or Sinovac, AstraZeneca dan Sinopharm and single-dose of Johnson & Johnson. The card/certificate will be accepted in English and other foreign language.

The Indonesian government exempted the following international travelers from COVID-19 vaccination record card requirement:

  1. Diplomatic and service/official visa holders who are with an official ministerial-to-presidential level delegation to Indonesia by upholding principles of reciprocity and implementing strict health protocols;
  2. Foreign nationals entering Indonesia under the TCA by upholding principles of reciprocity and implementing strict health protocols;
  3. Individuals under the age of 18 years old;
  4. Some individuals who may have medical reasons which prevent them from getting a COVID-19 vaccine. These individuals are advised to provide a memo from a public hospital in their respective country prior to check-in and upon arrival in Indonesia.

The following foreign nationals will get vaccinated in Indonesia provided that these individuals have not gotten a COVID-19 vaccine in their respective country:

  1. Children aged 12 – 17 years old.
  2. Diplomatic/service/official stay permit holders;
  3. KITAS and KITAP holders.

​The above foreign nationals will get their first COVID-19 shot at their quarantine hotel provided that their second COVID-19/PCR test resulted negative.

Foreign nationals who are already in Indonesia prior to the implementation of the new Order of July 6, 2021, and wish to travel domestically, are required to be vaccinated (first shot) through the Indonesian government-initiated vaccination program (Sinopharm vaccination) in accordance with the laws and regulations that will be announced accordingly. ​

COVID-19 Vaccination Registration

The Indonesian government will require international travelers to register their COVID-19 vaccination here prior to travel. You will receive a verification email as soon as your COVAX record has been verified. You will get a verification email within 3-10 business days.

Upon receipt the verification email, please download “Peduli Lindungi" application on your Apple Store or Google Play. You will find a unique barcode of the verified COVID-19 vaccination registration on “Vaccine Certificate" of your “Peduli Lindungi" application.

If you are Indonesian citizen and have gotten the full COVID-19 vaccination oversea, the vaccination record will be verified by the Indonesian Ministry of Health. Please provide your NIK (Nomor Induk Kependudukan) upon the registration.

If you are foreign citizen, you will have to input your Passport information into the website. The COVAX record will be verified by respective embassy in Jakarta. Please consult with your respective Embassy about the matter.

The COVID-19 vaccination online registration will allow you to dine-in or enter public premises and travel with public transportation (inter or intra islands) in Indonesia.

Electronic Health Alert Certificate (e-HAC)

All international travelers are required to complete e-HAC before travel. Please download “Peduli Lindungi" app in your Apple Store or Android Play to complete the e-HAC. You will get a unique barcode at the end of the process and will have to show it upon check-in and arrival.

If you are traveling with family, you are only required to create one account. For example, if a parent is travelling with his/her children, the parent is required to put his/her dependent information under his/her name.

Entry Point

Effective October 15, 2021, the Indonesian Government designated the following entry points for international travelers, namely Jakarta (Soekarno Hatta International Airport and Halim Perdana Kusuma Airport) and North Sulawesi (Samratulangi International Airport - Manado).


Quarantine Information

​​For fully-vaccinated travelers, they will have to undergo 3x24 hours quarantine. While non-fully-vaccinated (those who just have gotten the first shot of two-doses vaccination) will have to take 5x24 hours quarantine.​

 The quarantine must be undergone at the entry point (For facilities in Jakarta and Surabaya).

Head of Foreign Missions and their families who are assigned in Indonesia are advised to undertake the quarantine at their respective residence in Indonesia. They are still required to take two PCR tests on the first and seventh day after their arrival in Indonesia on their own arrangement. Please be advised to consult with your Embassy/Consulate in Indonesia concerning the PCR test arrangement and the healthcare provider. Please email the PCR test results to Directorate of Consular Affairs of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia  (

Foreign diplomats, who are not Heads of Foreign Missions, shall undertake the quarantine at designated facilities by the Indonesian Government at their own expense.

All international travelers are recommended to undertake self-quarantine at their respective residence following the 3 or 5 days quarantine.

COVID-19/PCR Tests during the Quarantine

Two PCR tests will be administered during this period before release from quarantine. Those two tests will be administered on the arrival and on the third day after arrival for fully-vaccinated individuals and on the fourth day for non-fully-vaccinated individuals.

If you are tested positive, you will be referred to designated Indonesian hospital/health facility conducted by the Indonesian Government at your own expense.

​Domestic (Inter and Intra Islands) Travel Protocols

Effective on July 3, 2021, all domestic travelers must follow the following protocols:

a) Domestic Travelers From and To Java and Bali Islands

All long-distance travelers to and from Java and Bali using all modes of transport are required to show the vaccination card report (first dose is acceptable) and a certificate of negative RT-PCR test or rapid antigen test.

Travelers using air transportation who fly between airports on the island of Java and Bali, including flights from or to Java and Bali are required to present vaccination record (first dose is acceptable) and negative RT-PCR test which was obtained within 48 hours and fill-up e-HAC (Electronic Health Alert Certificate) prior to travel.

b) Domestic Travelers Outside Java-to-and-from-Bali Corridor

All domestic travelers are required to present COVID-19 vaccination record (first dose is acceptable) and negative RT-PCR test which obtained within 48 hours prior departure or negative rapid antigen test 24-hour prior departure. All Travelers also required to fill-up e-HAC (Electronic Health Alert Certificate) prior to travel.

c) Travelers (Drivers and Assistant Drivers) with Land Transportation Using Goods and Logistics Vehicles

All domestic travelers are required to present negative RT-PCR test which obtained within 48 hours prior departure or negative rapid antigen test 24-hour prior departure.

d) For routine travelers whose using land transport within urban agglomeration area, they are not required to present vaccination card and RT-PCR or rapid antigen test result.

e) All domestic travelers who are to choose travel by air and sea are required to fill-up Indonesian e-HAC (Electronic Health Alert Certificate) prior to travel. However, all domestic travelers who are to choose travel by land are encourage to fill-up Indonesian e-HAC (Electronic Health Alert Certificate) prior to travel.

f) All travelers who are not vaccinated due to health condition proven by a medical memo are required to present negative RT-PCR test which obtained within 48 hours prior departure or negative rapid antigen test 24-hour prior departure.

g) If the result of the RT-PCR/rapid antigen shows negative, while the travelers presents mild symptoms of COVID-19, they may not continue the trip.

Foreign Nationals Travel Protocol Intending to Leave Indonesia

For foreign nationals who have not gotten a COVID-19 shot and wish to leave Indonesia via a domestic connecting flight, they will be exempted from COVID-19 vaccination card requirement provided that they have a special transit clearance from the local Port Health Office/Authority. Having the clearance, all foreign travelers shall not leave the airport during transit.

To have the clearance, all foreign travelers shall provide valid passport and itinerary and present them to the port authorities upon check-in.

Source info:

Please click the web link on the Calendar or scroll down for more info.

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Tuesday, November 02, 2021



Made Janur Yasa from BALI INDONESIA is a top 10 CNN Hero 

He inspired people to keep Bali clean. 
Janur exchanges Plastik rubbish for RICE! 

Follow the link and vote for Made Janur Yasa 10 times everyday until December 7th. 

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14 NOV ~ Misa PWKI - Winter clothing Bazaar


Romo, Suster, Bapak/Ibu dan Saudara-saudari terkasih, 

Perayaan Ekaristi Minggu Biasa XXXIII yang akan dipimpin oleh Romo Matheus Ro, SVD bulan ini diadakan pada:

Minggu, 14 November, 2021 pukul 11:30 AM CDT 
Gereja St. Barbara
2859 South Throop Street, Chicago, IL 60608

PWKI WINTER CLOTHING BAZAAR dari kita untuk kita, juga akan diadakan setelah misa November ini. PWKI akan mengumpulkan pakaian bekas layak pakai (dikumpulkan di meja registrasi di gereja sebelum misa dimulai) dan pakaian ini akan tersedia untuk anggota PWKI yang membutuhkannya, dengan memberikan donasi. Bagi yang ingin berpartisipasi, silakan membaca keterangan lengkap pada flyer ini.

Terima kasih. Tuhan memberkati.

PWKI Chicagoland Team 

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