Indonesian @ Chicago, Midwest Region dan sekitarnya: August 2015

Thursday, August 27, 2015

12 SEP Pertemuan Anggota DWP

Yth. Ibu - ibu Anggota KJRI Chicago

Terkait pengumuman yang lalu di email DWP Perihal pertemuan anggota dan sampai hari ini belum ada tempat untuk pertemuan, maka diputuskan pertemuan anggota akan diselenggarakan pada :

Hari / tanggal  : Sabtu, 12 September 2015
Tempat  : Wisma KEPPRI, Winnetka
Waktu : Jam 11.30 am
  1. Pembukaan
  2. Sambutan Ketua
  3. Makan siang
  4. Demo Fruit carving oleh Ny. Sunarti Sunny M Bohlander​
  5. Ramah tamah dan penutup

Demikian disampaikan , mengingat pentingnya acara tersebut untuk menambah keterampilan , bagi ibu - ibu yang tidak berhalangan kiranya dapat menghadiri acara tersebut.

Atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

A.n Ketua

Lila Darmawan
( Sekretaris )
Dwp Persatuan​

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Thursday, August 20, 2015

12-13 SEP PD PWKI - Misa PWKI

Saudara/i yang terkasih dalam Kristus, 
Kami mengundang kehadiran Bpk/Ibu/Sdr/Sdri untuk menghadiri Misa PWKI yang diadakan setiap bulan di Minggu kedua.

Misa bulan September ini akan diadakan di suburb.  Mohon diperhatikan, jamnya juga berubah !
Minggu, 13 September 2015, jam 1:00 -4:00PM
The Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe 
1170 N River Rd, Des Plaines, IL 60016
Misa akan dipersembahkan oleh Romo Paulus Jauhari, CM.

Untuk permohonan doa umat & volunteer di misa, silahkan email Yvonne di  Kami membutuhkan volunteer untuk turut ambil bagian dalam:
Altar Server (1-2 oramg)
Bacaan I (1 orang)
Bacaan II (1 orang)
Doa Umat (1 orang)
Persembahan (1 Keluarga atau 2 orang)

For carpool arrangement, please email Fely di

Setelah misa, mari menikmati makan bersama dan ramah tamah di ruangan lantai 2, naik melalui tangga dari Gift Shop. 

Terlampir snapshot peta lokasi, masuknya dari E. Central Road, lalu belok di Maryville Dr. untuk masuk ke kompleks Shrine.   Kapelnya ada di dalam gedung utama yang dilewati bundaran jalanan.

Terima kasih atas perhatiannya dan sampai jumpa di misa bulan September!

a/n Pengurus PWKI

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Teman2 yang terkasih,
Mari kita berkumpul untuk praise and worship, dan bible study yang akan di lead oleh Frater Fransiskus Santoso.

Bible study akan diadakan: Rumah Magda and Rich Locklin
Sabtu, 12 September, 2015 3:00 – 7:00 malam
1121 Garfield Avenue, Libertyville, Il 60048

Acara akan dilanjutkan dengan potluck sambil latian koor untuk misa hari Minggu tgl 13 September.

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04-07 SEP Indonesia Pavilion @ ISNA Bazaar

Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) in Chicago cordially invites you to attend the 52nd Annual ISNA Convention & Bazaar which will be held on September 4-7, 2015 at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Rosemont, Illinois, USA.

FASHION SHOW is scheduled on Saturday, September 5th, 2015 from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Come and visit Indonesia Pavilion at the ISNA Bazaar! Booth #1613,1615,1616,1617

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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

AUG 2015 Titan Arum @ Chicago Botanic Garden

The Chicago Botanic Garden's first flowering titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum), officially named Spike, is now on display in the Semitropical Greenhouse of the Garden’s Regenstein Center during regular summer hours of 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. daily.

The spindle-like bloom is expected to reach its height of between 4 and 8 feet. NOTE: The exact timing of peak flowering is unpredictable. Extended viewing hours during the peak bloom time will allow visitors to experience the extreme sights—and smells—of the plant in person. On the evening the titan arum reaches the peak of bloom, the Garden will remain open to the public until 2 a.m.

The regular parking fee will be waived after 9 p.m., but visitors will be restricted to visiting the Semitropical Greenhouse only. No other amenities will be accessible.

Update on Spike on Sunday, 30 August 2015
Spike will bloom—another day. 
We are humbled and grateful to all who have been cheering Spike on, watching for bloom on the webcam, and visiting us daily. Spike has thoroughly captivated and amazed our staff and all of you, our Garden friends

August 29 update: Over the last few weeks, more than 50,000 people have visited Spike, the Garden’s rare and unpredictable titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum). The plant has piqued their interest and curiosity about the natural world and exotic plants. We are humbled and grateful to all who have been cheering Spike on, watching for bloom on the webcam, and visiting us daily. Spike has thoroughly captivated and amazed our staff and all of you, our Garden friends.

On Monday, August 24, the plant reached its full height of 68 inches and we expected to see its spathe open and unleash a terrible stench two to four days later. As any gardener knows, plants do not always behave as we would expect. We patiently waited for Spike to open, but given the number of days that have passed and signs that the spadix is aging, we have determined that the plant does not have the energy to open by itself.

Tim Pollak, outdoor floriculturist; Patrick Herendeen, Ph.D., senior director, Systematics and Evolutionary Biology; and Shannon Still, Ph.D., conservation scientist, will remove the spathe, cutting around the base just above where it attaches to the stalk of the plant. At that time, we will determine if the male flowers are functional. If they have produced pollen, we will bank it to pollinate other plants.

Regardless of whether or not we are able to collect pollen, we will replant the corm to grow more foliage, and in three to five years, it will produce another flower. Spike will live to bloom another day. At this time, the Garden has eight additional titan arum plants that we are watching carefully for bloom.

Native to the rainforests of western Sumatra, Indonesia, the titan arum rarely blooms. Very little research exists about the titan arum. Garden conservation scientists will look to find answers about why Spike did not perform as expected. The Garden will make this information available to other botanic gardens and conservation groups interested in learning more about the titan arum.

- See more at:

Live webcam

Past/Recorded webcam (Early stage)  

Another Spike from Denver Botanical Garden
Recorded Titan Arum to bloom at The Ohio State University, MAY 2015
More info of Titan Arum:

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30 AUG Kebaktian PMKI

Salam Dalam Kasih Tuhan Kita Yesus Kristus,

Persekutuan Masyarakat Kristen Indonesia (PMKI) mengundang Bpk/ibu, Sdr/i untuk menghadiri kebaktian dan persekutuan bulan Juni 2015 yang akan diadakan pada:
Hari/Tgl:    Minggu, 30 Agustus 2015
Pukul:       3.30 sore
Tempat:    Keluarga Albert Pardede
Alamat: 8917 Meade Avenue, Morton Grove, IL.  60053
Telepon:    773-750-9742 
Pembawa firman:  Pastor Amado Lobatos

No Potluck, makanan dan minuman akan disediakan oleh tuan dan nyonya rumah.

Mari bersama-sama sebagai tubuh Kristus kita bersekutu, saling mendoakan, bertumbuh serta berbuah didalam pengenalan akan Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus.
Percaya bahwa persekutuan kita akan menjadi berkat dan menyenangkan hati Tuhan. Amin

Tuhan Memberkati.
Kami tunggu kedatangan anda semua.
Sampai jumpa!
a/n Pengurus PMKI

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22 AUG Indonesian Language Class


The Indonesian Consulate General offers the Indonesian Language Class for adults and children for Fall 2015. The Classes will be on Saturdays at the Indonesia Cultural Center, 711 West grand Avenue Chicago, IL 60654. The opening class will be on August 22, 2015.

For further information, please contact: or 312-920-1880 ext. 104/105

KJRI Chicago kembali membuka Kelas Bahasa Indonesia untuk dewasa dan anak-anak untuk periode Agustus - Desember 2015.

Kelas Bahasa Indonesia akan diselenggarakan setiap hari Sabtu di 
Indonesian Cultural Center 
711 West Grand Avenue Chicago, IL 60654. 

Pertemuan/Kelas pertama akan diadakan pada Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2015.

Kelas yang akan dibuka:
1. Kelas Dewasa Tingkat Pemula
2. Kelas Dewasa Tingkat Menengah
3. Kelas Anak-anak (diutamakan bagi anak-anak yang sudah bisa membaca dan menulis)

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi: atau 312-920-1880 ext. 104/105.

Terima kasih.

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Sunday, August 02, 2015



MERAH PUTIH berkibar di depan Balai Kota Chicago sejak 2007
17 Agustus 2015 @ 9:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Daley Plaza, 50 W. Washington St, Chicago, IL 60602

Sang Merah Putih berkibar selama bulan Agustus di 
Skokie Park District, 4701 Oakton St, Skokie, IL 60076

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17 AUG HUT ke-70 Kemerdekaan R.I.

 Please login to FaceBook account to view the event


KJRI Chicago mengundang seluruh masyarakat dan diaspora Indonesia di Midwest untuk hadir pada peringatan HUT ke-70 Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia pada:

Hari, tanggal : Senin, 17 Agustus 2015
Waktu : Pukul 10 AM - 5 PM
Tempat : Wisma Indonesia, 614 Pine Lane Winnetka IL 60093
Acara :
  1. Upacara Peringatan Detik-detik Proklamasi 17 Agustus 1945 - pukul 10 AM
    (mohon hadir 30 menit sebelumnya. Pakaian: formal/nasional/batik)
  2. Hiburan dan Perlombaan - pukul 11 AM - 5 PM
    - Lomba Stand-up Comedy 
    - Lomba Permainan:
    + Lomba mewarnai (untuk anak-anak)
    + Lomba makan krupuk (anak-anak dan dewasa)
    + Lomba balap karung (anak-anak dan dewasa)
    + Lomba tarik tambang (anak-anak dan dewasa)
    - Live music (pop, dangdut, etc)
Informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi atau 312-920-1880

Silakan mengenakan pakaian yang nyaman untuk mengikuti perlombaan.
Mohon tidak parkir disepanjang Pine Lane.



Pertandingan Bola Voli
Bola Voli Putri 
Juara I : Tim Golden Girls Istiana Braden
Juara II : Tim Chicago-Madison-Columbus
Bola Voli Putra 
Juara I : Tim Gold Diggers (Romy Aditya Bya)
Juara II : Tim Chicago-Madison-Columbus

Pertandingan Badminton
Ganda Putri 
Juara I : Devy Nataly dan Karen
Juara II : Merly Claas dan Wida Sartono
Ganda Putra
Juara I : Jonas Kurniawan dan Daniel Simeon
Juara II : Edwin dan Alfi Syahrin
Ganda Campuran
Juara I : Edwin dan Karen
Juara II : Rudolvo Christopel Halomoan Sinaga dan Mustika

Pertandingan Tenis Meja
Juara I: Ibu Ella Laelasari
Juara II : Mustika
Juara I : Daniel Simeon
Juara II: Boy Hari Kartian
Selamat kepada para juara! Hadiah akan disampaikan pada acara peringatan HUT ke-70 Kemerdekaan RI, tanggal 17 Agustus 2015, di Wisma Indonesia, 614 Pine Lane, Winnetka, IL 60093.

Terima kasih.
KJRI Chicago

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Dalam rangka perayaan HUT ke-70 Kemerdekaan RI, KJRI Chicago, ITPC Chicago dan IDN Midwest akan menyelenggarakan kegiatan Pesta Rakyat pada 
Tanggal 17 Agustus 2015 
di Wisma Indonesia, 614 Pine Lane, Winnetka, IL 60093. 

Untuk meramaikan Pesta Rakyat tersebut, Panitia HUT RI ke-70 di Chicago mengundang partisipasi seluruh pelajar, mahasiswa, masyarakat dan diaspora Indonesia yang berminat untuk mengikuti Kompetisi STAND UP COMEDY. 

Topik bebas dan tidak berbau SARA.
Penampilan masing - masing peserta sekitar 5-7 menit.

Pendaftaran paling lambat tanggal 31 Juli 2015 melalui e-mail:

Ayo segera daftarkan diri anda dan rebut hadiah-hadiah menarik!

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15 AUG Picnic PWKI Fundraising

We would like to invite you to join PWKI's Annual picnic and fundraising event.

Saturday, August 15th 2015 from 11AM - 4PM, 
Lake Opeka Park, 2200 Lee Street, Des Plaines IL 60018 

Activities: Fun games, raffles, and of course amazing & authentic Indonesian foods
Admission Fee for food, drinks, and excitement like games and activities
$15 for general admission; $20 at the door (no advanced reservation)
$6 for kids 6-12 years old, Free for kids under 5 yo

RSVP to: Monica (, Imelda Palmas (, Bernadeta Pratiwi (, Yvonnne Sanggor(, Yolanda Budiman (, Marine (

The fundraising portion would include pre-order food and snacks for purchase as well as raffle ticket.
The proceed will be used for upcoming donations for Indonesia (building school or dorm in small city or province). More details of the event is yet to come!

Order your ticket:

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