Indonesian @ Chicago, Midwest Region dan sekitarnya: 15 JUN Work Permits for DREAMers

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

15 JUN Work Permits for DREAMers

What does it mean and how do I apply?

On June 15th President Obama announced that he will protect from deportation and grant a work permit ('deferred action') to undocumented youth who:
  • Came to US before their 16th birthday;
  • Have lived in the US for at least 5 years as of June 15, 2012;
  • Are in school, graduated from high school, earned a GED or served honorably in the US military;
  • Are at least 15 years old (only if you are NOT in removal proceedings);
  • Have not committed a felony, a significant misdemeanor or multiple misdemeanors
Dreamers who qualify are immediately safe from deportation

If you are currently in deportation proceedings or have a final order of deportation contact 1-855-448-6903 (24 hrs, 7 days a week) or the ICE Office of the Public Advocate at 1-888-351-4024 (9am-5pm, Monday - Friday).

The process to apply for work permits will be announced within 60days
There is currently no application, application process or waiting list.

If you apply now, your application will be rejected.
Protect yourself from fraud and abuse: DREAMers should look out for scam artists, "notarios," and others offering to "help" for money.

For questions or more information e-mail:

Luis V. Gutierrez
Representing Illinois Fourth District


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