Indonesian @ Chicago, Midwest Region dan sekitarnya: 06 MAY Lunch & Learn dengan DuBes Mahendra Siregar

Tuesday, April 02, 2019

06 MAY Lunch & Learn dengan DuBes Mahendra Siregar

Halo Semua,

Kami ingin menyampaikan undangan dari Bapak Duta Besar Indonesia untuk Amerika (Bp Mahendra Siregar) untuk kita warga Indonesia di Iowa.

Pak DuBes akan mengadakan Lunch & Learn (Tolong lihat undangan terpisah di bawah) di Des Moines, IA pada tgl 6 Mei, 2019.

Di hari yg sama, sesudah acara Lunch & Learn, Bapak DuBes ingin mengadakan jumpa sua lebih lanjut dengan warga Indonesia yg bermukim di Iowa. Acara temu sua ini terpisah dari dan tidak berhubungan dengan Lunch & Learn.

Temu sua dengan Pak DuBes, akan di adakan:
Tanggal 6 Mei 2019 (Senin)
Jam 4:30pm (makan sore/malam)
Tempat: Des Moines, IA - 

Tolong RSVP sebelum hari Minggu tgl 28 April untuk mengatur tempat dan konsumsi.

PS: Kalau ada yg punya kenalan pengurus PERMIAS (Pelajar Indonesia di AS) Ames, tolong kasih kabar yah

**Silahan di sebarkan undangan untuk siapa saja yg berkenan di wilayah Iowa ***

Terima Kasih Banyak
Dian Wibowo

Reserve the date of May 6th - you are invited to attend a lunch and learn discussion about opportunities for doing business in Indonesia.

11:30 – 1:00 – Monday May 6th
DM Embassy Club – 34th floor of Ruan Building

Indonesia’s Ambassador to the USA, Mahendra Siregar will outline opportunities with Indonesia, as well as case studies of U.S. companies doing business successfully there.

Indonesia is a member of the G-20 and with a population of 264 million people, is the largest economy in Southeast Asia. Indonesia’s economic success is a result of growing middle class, political stability and stable economic growth. Iowa businesses have great opportunities in Indonesia, ranging from retailers to infrastructure projects.

Speakers and dignitaries include H.E. Mahendra Siregar, Indonesian Ambassador to the US, Hon. Rosmalawati Chalid, Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia, Billy Anugrah, Indonesia Director of Trade Promotions and Rahardjo Siswohartono, Indonesia Director of Investment and Eni Hartati, Consul for Economic Affairs

Registration is required - For more information follow this link.

*This event is supported by the Indonesia Consulate and the Greater Des Moines Partnership.

200 East Grand Avenue | Des Moines, Iowa 50309 USA
PH: 515.348.6244 | FAX: 877.631.7575 | Mobile: 515.783.4948

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