Indonesian @ Chicago, Midwest Region dan sekitarnya: 18 NOV Business Plan Competition

Monday, October 24, 2011

18 NOV Business Plan Competition


2011 Business Plan Competition

Technical Details of the Competition

A. The first Business Plan Competition that connects Indonesian entrepreneurs in USA with Indonesian investors in Indonesia

B. Open for:
- Indonesian (individuals/group)
- Resides in USA
- 18 years old and above

C. 2 Categories:
- High tech
- Low tech

Startup or Early Growth

D. How to participate:
1. Register online
2. Submit a "concept paper"
3. If selected, submit a Business Plan & Fact Sheet

E. Selection process:
1. Evaluation of Concept Paper - by Mekar
2. Evaluation of BP & FS - by Mekar
3. Evaluation of BP, FS & Pitch - by Mekar

F. Evaluation criterias:
1. Innovativeness
2. Marketability
3. Profitability

G. Timeline:
1. Seleksi Tahap I:
a. Registrasi & penyerahan rancangan awal (concept plan) secara online, tenggat waktu: 18 November 2011
b. Pengumuman hasil Seleksi tahap I: 25 November 2011

2. Seleksi Tahap II:
a. Penyerahan rancangan final (business plan) beserta data pendukung.
b. Tenggat waktu: 25 November s.d. 16 Desember 2011
c. Pengumuman hasil seleksi tahap II (finalis): Januari 2012

2. Tahap Final:
a. Presentasi para finalis di hadapan investor akan dilakukan di Jakarta
b. Final, resepsi dan pengumuman pemenang: Januari 2012

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