2011 Business Plan Competition Technical Details of the Competition
A. The first Business Plan Competition that connects Indonesian entrepreneurs in USA with Indonesian investors in Indonesia
B. Open for:
- Indonesian (individuals/group)
- Resides in USA
- 18 years old and above
C. 2 Categories:
- High tech
- Low tech
Startup or Early Growth
D. How to participate:
1. Register online
2. Submit a "concept paper"
3. If selected, submit a Business Plan & Fact Sheet
http://indopreneur-usa.mekar.biz/http://indopreneur.mekar.biz/E. Selection process:
1. Evaluation of Concept Paper - by Mekar
2. Evaluation of BP & FS - by Mekar
3. Evaluation of BP, FS & Pitch - by Mekar
F. Evaluation criterias:
1. Innovativeness
2. Marketability
3. Profitability
G. Timeline:
1. Seleksi Tahap I:
Registrasi & penyerahan rancangan awal (concept plan) secara online, tenggat waktu: 18 November 2011
b. Pengumuman hasil Seleksi tahap I: 25 November 2011
2. Seleksi Tahap II:
a. Penyerahan rancangan final (business plan) beserta data pendukung.
b. Tenggat waktu: 25 November s.d. 16 Desember 2011
c. Pengumuman hasil seleksi tahap II (finalis): Januari 2012
2. Tahap Final:
a. Presentasi para finalis di hadapan investor akan dilakukan di Jakarta
b. Final, resepsi dan pengumuman pemenang: Januari 2012
Labels: indonesian community USA, Indonesian Embassy, KBRI Washington DC, Masyarakat Indonesia USA