Sie Sosial
PWKI akan mengadakan fund raising untuk membantu
MAVI (Misionaris Awam Vincentian Indonesia) dengan menjual
Nasi Rames yang akan tersedia hari
Minggu tanggal
13 November 2011. Pesanan anda ditunggu sampai hari Kamis 10 November 2011
Fund-Raising Nasi Rames Meal on Sunday 13 November 2011.
Place your order by Thursday 10 November 2011
Fund-Raising Purpose: Helping Indonesian missionaries MAVI.
MAVI is dedicated to reaching out and supporting children in remote areas with education and other assistance to address their needs.
What is
MAVI ?MAVI (Misionaris Awam Vincentian Indonesia) serves the poor with the spirit of St. Vincentius DePaul. MAVI works include helping educate children in Sintang diocese region in the West Borneo near Melawi River.
For more information, please visit
Nasi Rames @ $10 Meal Menu including :
* Stir-Fried Green Bean with Tofu
* Omelet Padang Style (Spicy)
* Meat- ball Curry with Potatoes
* Hot Chili/ Sambal Terasi
* Fried Noodles
* Steam Rice
* Sweet Rice Balls with Mung Beans
Place your order now
Website *)*)
Please provide your contact and address when ordering to arrange delivery
* Sales agent (List ada di bagian bawah email ini)
- Theresia whittemore Yusiana Tan Lisa Gunawan Lisa Arman Felicia Kristanto Cindy Quendangen Setiawan Soekamtoputra
awan2000_3@yahoo.comPayment :
* Through your sales agent
PayPal, Click on BUY NOW button (Click here)
* On the spot (First come first serve)
Pick up between 11 AM - 2 PM @ St. Therese Chinese Catholic Church
Address: 218 West Alexander Street, Chicago, IL
For more information, please go to you for your support.
GOD bless you !
Sie. Sosial
Labels: Indonesian Community, Indonesian Food, Indonesian FundRaising, indonesian Menu, Masyarakat Indonesia Chicago