Friday, December 18th, 2015
Alice Millar Chapel
Northwestern University
1870 Sheridan Rd, Evanston, IL
* * * FREE admission * * *
Come see 8 professional Indonesian dancers perform their world-famous production of The Ramayana on
Northwestern's Campus...FOR FREE!
The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life at NU hosts the dance troupe, UKJGS, in their endeavors to share the culture of Central Java with the people of Chicago.
UKJGS - UGM (Unit Kesenian Jawa Gaya Surakarta Universitas Gadjah Mada - Yogyakarta, Indonesia) performance of “Dancing Epics” will showcase three dance compositions, ending with a question and answer session discussing the relationship between dance and spirituality.
Please invite your friends, family and anyone you think might enjoy this colorful fusion of storytelling, performance, and heritage!
For questions contact
(A special thanks to the Indonesian Consulate and the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life at Northwestern)
Labels: Indonesian Cultural Performance, Indonesian Dance Chicago, Indonesian Performing Arts Chicago, Javanese Traditional Theater