KTM Midwest presents Spiritual Discernment Retreat
May 25-27, 2013
Please join KTM (Komunitas Tritunggal Mahakudus) Midwest for a retreat!
Theme: Spiritual Discernment (Mengenal Kehendak Allah)
When: Memorial Day Weekend, from Saturday-Monday May 25-27
Where: 2790 State Route 61, Fulton, OH (nearest airport Columbus, OH - rides to the retreat place will be provided).
Pengajaran akan dibawakan oleh dua Suster Putri Karmel (Sr. Priscilla and Sr. Jacinta).
Misa dipimpin oleh Romo Antonny Wijaya, SCJ.
There will be designated time for counseling and confessions as well. We've all experienced times where we pondered what God's will is for us, which path God wants us to take, why He allowed certain things to happen in our lives, and so on... This is a great opportunity to learn together and receive spiritual refreshment at the same time!
Here's the registration link: http://ktmretreat2013.from-oh.com/.
Please do join if you can and feel free to invite others too!
For any questions, please contact
Kathy Triyana (kathy.triyana@gmail.com) or
Marcella Lestari (marcellalest@gmail.com).
Please see attached flyer also.
Thank you!
Koordinator PWKI
Paguyuban Warga Katolik Indonesia - Chicagoland
Labels: Acara PWKI, Indonesian Community Chicago, Masyarakat Indonesia Chicago, PWKI Paguyuban Warga Katholik Indonesia - Chicago, PWKI Trip, Retreat PWKI Chicago