Indonesian @ Chicago, Midwest Region dan sekitarnya: 17 OCT PERMIAS Chicago Welcoming Party

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

17 OCT PERMIAS Chicago Welcoming Party

Are you new to Chicago? Are you looking for new friends?
PERMIAS Chicago would like to invite you to our welcoming party, "Welcome to CHI-TOWN":

Date: October 17th, 2015
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. CDT
Venue: 1040 W Huron St., Chicago 
Admission: $10/person (payable through QuickPay, Square Cash, or Cash)

Enjoy the super delicious Indonesian food, fun games, exciting prizes, and making new friends, all by joining the event!

Mobile Consuler / Warung Konsuler KJRI Chicago akan hadir juga di acara ini

RSVP on Permias Chicagoland's Facebook and see you there!

PERMIAS (Perkumpulan Mahasiswa Indonesia Amerika Serikat)

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