Indonesian @ Chicago, Midwest Region dan sekitarnya: 22 FEB Kebaktian PMKI

Monday, January 19, 2015

22 FEB Kebaktian PMKI

Salam dalam kasih Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus,

Persekutuan Masyarakat Kristen Indonesia (PMKI) mengundang Bpk/ibu, Sdr/i untuk menghadiri kebaktian bulanan PMKI.

Hari/Tanggal: Minggu, 22 Februari 2015
Pukul: 3 sore sampai selesai
Tempat: Kediaman Budi Tjahjadi
Alamat: 1078 Trillium Trail, West Chicago, IL.60185
Telepon 847-714-7047
Pembawa firman: Pastor Bruce Wilson, Missions Pastor of College Church, Wheaton, IL.

Bruce Wilson has been in pastoral and cross-cultural ministry for more than twenty-five years. For the past thirteen years he has served as Missions Pastor of College Church in Wheaton.
Bruce and his wife Becky worked in Indonesia for eleven years where he established an educational advising center, worked as a consultant to indigenous Christian organizations and served alongside the church.
Bruce is a graduate of Wheaton College and has done further study at the Wheaton Graduate School and Universitas Padjadjaran. His travels have taken him to over 60 countries. Bruce and his wife, Becky, have two sons.

Tema: The big theme of the Bible Missions (kotbah akan dibawakan dalam bahasa Inggris)

Diakhiri makan malam potluck bersama.

Mari bersama-sama sebagai tubuh Kristus kita bersekutu, saling mendoakan, bertumbuh serta berbuah didalam pengenalan akan Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus. Percaya bahwa persekutuan kita akan menjadi berkat dan menyenangkan hati Tuhan. Amin

Tuhan Memberkati,
Pengurus PMKI

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