Indonesian @ Chicago, Midwest Region dan sekitarnya: 25 September - Gamelan Open House

Sunday, September 23, 2007

25 September - Gamelan Open House

Gamelan Open House
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. @
Hyde Park Union Church
Our annual open house at Hyde Park Union Church is an ideal introduction to gamelan music and the people who play it. Under expert tutelage, you'll learn to play a simple song on a variety of gamelan instruments. Our experienced players will also present some more advanced pieces for your inspiration. People of all musical backgrounds are welcome to attend -- all you need to bring is a desire to learn. For those coming directly from school or work, there will be snacks!

This year's open house will be special in that it will be the kick-off for the
wayang kulit performance on November 17. Please plan to attend the open house if you are joining the beginning gamelan class. Please contact for details.

Beginning Gamelan Classes
beginning gamelan classes will be held at
Hyde Park Union Church every Tuesday evening from October 2, 2007 through November 6, 2007., meeting from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Graduates of the beginning class will perform in the wayang kulit on November 17!
Don't miss this opportunity to participate in an unforgettable event.

If you would like to participate in the beginning class, please plan to attend the open house on September 25. Also, please plan to attend a very special introductory class session on Saturday, September 29, as well as a few other weekend sessions.For more information, please contact the instructor at

Performance Ensemble
The Performance Ensemble meets at
Hyde Park Union Church on most Tuesday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. You are welcome to join us if you have previously studied Javanese gamelan music or dance. There is typically modest class fee. For more information, please contact

Wayang Kulit
Saturday, November 17, 2007

Hyde Park Union Church
With guest artists Joko Sutrisno and Midiyanto.

Source of information: Friends of The Gamelan (FROG)

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